OK trying to get a little caught up! The kids had a blast for Halloween, which to me seems like a much bigger deal down here than it does up North. People go all out decorating their houses, putting up lights, decorations, etc. etc. much like the norm at Christmas. With the homes so close in our neighborhood, trick-or-treating takes on a carnival-like atmosphere with most of the adults getting involved too, either accompanying the kids or scaring them from home. It's not uncommon to have a couple hundred kids total hitting you up for candy by night's end! Daniel's costume went over huge this year as you can see, and Claire saw this Snow Princess costume in a catalogue and had to have it. We had a nice night with temps in the low 70's, making it ideal for the packs of ghouls, princesses, etc. to rake in a big haul.

Rookie of the Year

Queen Frostine

Candy Thief

Clowning Around

"This is GREAT!!"