So Dawn's flipping through the TV guide from the newspaper the other day (OK so we're the last family in the USA who still uses it), and sees that E.T., The Extra-Terrestrial is coming on the Disney channel that night. Now Claire, who is about to turn 8 next month, has never seen this movie, and we're thinking it's about time we expose her to one of Spielberg's better outputs. I mean, she's beyond the baby Drew Barrymore stage by now we're thinking.
It has been years -- probably 15 or more -- since I've seen this movie, and the only thing I'm really concerned about is the appearance of E.T. ... from what I can remember, he's kind of a funky little critter and not all too snuggly I thought...
Well we make it through the whole movie ... it's 9:30 by now, late for a school night ... Claire gives her parents a big hug, brushes her teeth and off to bed. All is right with the world. I go downstairs for something and all of a sudden, what the ....? Uncontrollable sobbing from Claire's room!!! We're in there trying to console her! "Why did E.T. have to go!!!"
Well ... apparently we forgot just how sad that ending really is. Geez, I think I'll wait another couple years before we expose her to Old Yeller. What was I thinking!
(Yep! See that dog? He dies you know.)
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