Well it's been a while since I've posted, I know. It seems as soon as Summer hits it's just one crazy weekend after another; but nothing kicked off the season better than our new niece Faye's baptism up in Chicago. The trip didn't get off exactly as we planned, with a weather delay in DFW. By the time we got into the Windy City, it was 1 a.m. So we spent the next day lounging aroung and catching up with family, with some intense games of "cornhole" to spell the humid afternoon...

Of course, the cousins had to catch up, too. Here's the obligatory group photo on the couch. Notice how no one is actually sitting next to each other, Faye's look of terror, Daniel's vigilant eye for Blue (who is probably outside at this point), and Ella ... fixed into the zone:

Next up, bath time ... with all the helping hands around, Faye was squeaky clean and ready for the big day that awaited.

Meanwhile, some of us were still catching up from the previous night. Even Blue the Beagle was ready for a little shuteye! By the end of the day, most of us were beat but excited for the celebration that lay ahead.

Next up: the big day!
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