Tuesday, March 25, 2008

In Like a Lion ... Lamb remains missing

BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH they say. Huh?? It has been crazy around here all month!! Let's see ... in the span of a few short weeks it has ...



Oops ... try that one again ...

Yeah, lots going on. Claire went back to school today finally after a 10 day hiatus. We timed it with her spring break, which worked out well. I think missing all her friends and not being able to be her goofy self was really getting to her, more than the actual procedure. She was a total trooper and we are very proud of her for keeping such a good attitude. Now she's back to being that dopey kid again we can't seem to get enough of ...

Next up ... while driving home in that freak snowstorm, my old '98 Passat decided it had enough of that mess. When I went to drive to work the next day, the oil shield underneath the engine began to fall off. So off we go to get it fixed, and look at some new models ... and the VW place is going to charge me more to fix the car than in trade-in value!!

Man was I pissed!!

So the next day we go over to the Sasb dealership, take a few test drives, sign a few pieces of paper and presto!! New car:

Man, you have got to love America: "Sign here. Sign here. Here's your new payment and here's an extra set of keys."

And lest we forget ... BASEBALL is upon us!! Finally!! I mentioned to some Yankee-lovin coworkers that the Sox are already a 1/2 game up after the come-from-behind win in Tokyo this morning. Come on!! You were up at 5 a.m. like I was too, weren't you!! Well the D-man has his opening day of t-ball on Sunday. His team, the Dodgers, are going to be pretty good I think. No shortage of coaches or juice boxes, which is always a plus. Here are some pics from his last practice, enjoy. Is it April yet?

"I can't believe I'm batting 6th!"

"Just like Big Poppy ... Pthooh"

"Come on, meat! You got nuthin!!"

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Friday's Entertainment: PEEPSHOW

From my friends in North Carolina comes this lovely "exhibition", just in time for Easter, taking the marshmallow peep to a whole new level. How people come up with these ideas is beyond me. You know what those chicks in the front are saying don't ya? "How about some of this sugar!!!"

Friday, March 7, 2008

Kid with Character

For the third consecutive year, Claire was chosen out of her grade as a "Kid with Character". This recognition comes from the faculty at her school, Bluebonnet Elementary, for exhibiting exemplary character and conduct. We could not be more proud of her ... now the pressure is on for next year to keep the streak. All it takes is a little motivation here and there I'm sure ("if you want to live under my roof yada yada yada ..."). Somehow I know we have nothing to worry about.